your creativity coach by robyn mcclendon

reach your goals discover your creative mind

Tag Archives: Getting Started

365 Days In The Life Of A Journal – Tutorial

As I awaken this morning I found myself basking in a smile of creativity, I could sense the space in my physical being that holds my creative energy and essence, it also became clear to me from and experiential place that everything we want comes from this place…more on this in another post…

Today, I wanted to begin sharing some of the processes behind the painted pages in my Journal Flips..

Have a creatively inspired day, in every step you take…Enjoy!

Love and Peace


Jumping In!


I have been trying to find the right time to introduce myself through this blog.

I’ve told myself I need to read just one more blogging advice article, tweak my website, come up with “that” opening article that will impress my readers.

What readers?

Of all the many blogs I’ve read and all of the great content that’s out there who I’m I trying to impress. I was getting annoyed with myself.    OK Robyn, when are you going to start??

And then this evening, again going to some of my favorite blogs of inspiration and advice, I purposed my way over to the middle finger project, I love Ashley’s style, she’s after my own heart, no-nonsense let’s just tell it like it is, genuine.

Today she posted “Argentina + An 11 Year Old boy + Greatest Business Asset of All”, I have to say that did it!

I got off my butt about all of this, literally, went right to my computer and wrote this post,  for better or worse it’s done!

Humility that one word did it for me of course the content of the story told was fabulous, because those with so little, aspire to use it all to do as much as they can.

That’s  just what I needed was a dose of, humility.

I’m not going to get this thing right the first time out.

I’m going to learn along the way.

I already know what I know and with that knowledge base I’ve already helped so many of my students for the past 20 years, the only difference is this internet thing.

This new way of presenting information. Yet my techniques, my way of living and seeing the world, being an encouragement and inspiration to others is all in place.

My Passion for Living a Creative of life is genuine, it’s in place and happening every day.

So a big thanks to Ashley over at the  the middle finger project for helping me see this.

By sharing what fuels me everyday, the things I want to share with others, and my way of seeing the world will hopefully along the way do for others what Ashley did for me tonight.

Which was to see my world a little differently in order to live, love and exist authentically.

Hello, from

Your Creativity Coach
