your creativity coach by robyn mcclendon

reach your goals discover your creative mind

Category Archives: creative conversations

ArtMythos: Studio Diaries Membership Class!

Hi All…I wanted to share with you my upcoming Art Journaling Membership Class!

Please check out this Vlog for all the details…I hope you’ll join it’s only $25…

Here’s the link for more information

Love and Peace

Creative Conversations – “Patience, More Than Just A Good Idea”

It was on my mind recently the importance of compassion and taking our time with others.

Frequently as I join other awaken soul’s, videos, blogs, online webinars, downloaded e-books, I’ve noticed a pattern. The idea that we all are to be awakened at the same time, the same way.

“I’ve got mine, now you get yours” mentality, however… “and by the way keep buying my materials so that I can continue to prosper while I beat you up, with love, of course.”

I believe that this is a sign of a phenomena that nods to the 3D way of operating while suggesting that they are having  4D experiences.

We must be more patient with each other.

Love and Peace




Creative Conversations – 2-17-15 – “Dehumanizing of Humanity”

“Dehumanizing of Humanity”

This Conversation starts with me talking about my 365 day Journal.  Journaling for me is a way for me to process lots of things in my world.  For some artist it’s about creating beautiful things, others it’s political expression, or women’s issues however, my art work is about raising consciousness.  My own first and then hopefully the viewer will explore their own cosmic reality and accessing their higher greater self.

In this Creative Conversation I will explore some of the topics that I think about, which informs my artwork, and my healing work as a Reiki Master and a Creativity Coach.

Love and Peace


Creative Conversation – Introduction

Creative Conversations…..

is a new format that I have begun to share my thoughts and ideas about the world we live in and how I’m interpreting events in order to remain my most creative self.  I have found that with all of the worldly forces that continue to press in on our personal space and time, trying more to dominate our very being , it has become essential to employ techniques and gather understanding in order to survive and THRIVE…

Please join me for these chats…and join in as well!

Peace and Love
